Name: Oskar Osilow
Alias: amexos
Age: 28
From: Göteborg, Sweden
14th place WSOP 2005 (5864 players)
Get to the final table!
Name: Daniel Loewinski
Alias: danneville
Age: 20
From: Stockholm, Sweden
It will be nice to meet alot of people and hopefully it will be a great
tournament.. Looking forward to be there!
Name: Daniel Wärn
Alias: Phraeg
Age: 30
From: Älmhult, Sweden
Sit down, play poker.
Name: Robin Edlund
Alias: bareev
Age: 24
From: Eskilstuna, Sweden
To learn, get live experience and develop as a player!
Name: Joakim Anjou
Alias: joocs
Age: 22
From: Norrköping, Sweden
I'm looking forward to getting some live tournament experience. My focus is mainly on surviving the first day.
Name: Wilhelm Ast
Alias: Condorcet
Age: 22
From: Göteborg, Sweden
2nd place as I suck at Heads up!
Name: Shayan Salehi
Alias: Shagga
Age: 20
From: Piteå, Sweden
Simply put - to do my best!
Name: Rickard Gellborn
Alias: Luhrmann
Age: 21
From: Stockholm, Sweden
I expect to have great fun and survive to the next day.
If luck is kind to me I should make it, but you never know when the bad beat faerie will be there ;)
Name: Andreas J
Alias: digithal
Age: 31
From: Skellefteå, Sweden
I've never played live poker before so I have no real expectations aside from having a good time!
Name: Björn Karlsson
Alias: 2gaddar
Age: 28
From: Stockholm, Sweden
Conquer all the chips in play.